Friday, August 2, 2013

What Do You Really Want?

Knowing your purpose is easy. However, for some people it seems that this issue is takes a so many years to understand. I also did not understand my purpose in life until I watched this video.

First and foremost, I have to convince you that everyone of us here living on this planet was created for a purpose. Each of us is unique from each other, so this means that our purpose is also unique, different from other person.

So how to we know our purpose in life? I myself have asked the same question over and over in the past.

I have burned a lot of bridges and moved away from my comfort zone in order to succeed, however I end up broken, tired and frustrated.

Until I read a very interesting book by Dr. Robert Anthony entitled "Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do." It made a sense in me.

In order to know your purpose, you must start in understanding yourself clearly. You must know the things that you love most. Do what you love, period. That's it.

Steve Jobs, Apple's Founder and CEO greatly influenced the way I think. As he clearly pointed out, do not live on other people's dogma. Trust God and trust yourself, your capacities and your aspirations. You have a reason to live, a reason that is unique and totally different from other people. Do not compare yourself to others and more importantly, do not spend your life living on the life of other people.

Life is very short. With all the bewildering "pitfalls" this life has to offer, we are sometimes tempted to adopt the purpose that is not for us. However, if you have a clear reason and purpose in mind, you will not be drawn from these pitfalls, instead you are focused to one clear goal in your life.

The reason why I have shared you this very inspiring video is that I want you to have a clear view of what to achieve in your life. And though I am still starting my journey, I am glad that I have found this new light and set my foot in the right track that leads to success.

God bless and enjoy the journey ahead!

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